Team Building at Rondekuil
Posted on Tue June 7, 2022.
We were delighted when the prestigious brand of KPMG booked our venue facility to host their Team Building day for their Audit Department. The entire department had been working very hard over the past few weeks to meet important deadlines, and KPMG wanted to reward their hard working staff by having a fun Team Building day, as a way of acknowledging their commitment to the company.
Our Durbanville team building venue at Rondekuil Estate, easily accommodated the 100 staff members who arrived early in the morning eager to experience their exciting day. They were blown away by the setting of our venue, as well as all the facilities which we have to offer. Some of the comments from the staff of KPMG included statements such as :- “great place for a weekend retreat”, and a few of the ladies were heard comment : “I want to have my wedding here”. Everyone enjoyed a hearty lunch of lasagne and salads before getting back to their team building exercises delivered by Arise Team Building Organisation.
The team from the organisation of “Arise Team Building” designed various team building exercises for the KPMG staff, one of which was called the “Masterchef Team Building Cook Off” which is a fun cooking challenge designed for groups of 5 or 6 individuals who have to work together to cook a dish with various ingredients. Arise Team Building offer various custom made packages to their blue chip clients, taking their relevant budgets into account.
Rondekuil Estates offers a wonderful venue for any company needing a quiet location to host a conference or a team building day.